Poziom C1 według Europejskiego Systemu Opisu Kształcenia Językowego (CEFR) oznacza zaawansowane umiejętności językowe. Osoba na tym poziomie powinna:
- Rozumienie Tekstu: Rozumieć szeroki zakres wymagających, dłuższych tekstów oraz rozpoznawać ukryte znaczenia.
- Płynność w Mowie: Wyrażać się płynnie i spontanicznie bez wyraźnego szukania słów.
- Elastyczność Językowa: Posługiwać się językiem w sposób elastyczny i efektywny w celach towarzyskich, akademickich i zawodowych.
- Tworzenie Tekstów: Tworzyć jasne, szczegółowe teksty na skomplikowane tematy, pokazując kontrolę nad strukturą i spójnością tekstu.
Opanowanie bogatego słownictwa jest kluczowe dla osiągnięcia tych umiejętności. Poniżej przedstawiamy 100 słówek, które musisz znać na poziomie C1 w języku angielskim.
- Abstract – abstrakcyjny
- The concept is too abstract for me to understand.
- Accumulate – gromadzić
- Over the years, he accumulated a great fortune.
- Adequate – odpowiedni
- The supply is adequate for our needs.
- Advocate – adwokat, orędownik
- She is an advocate for environmental protection.
- Allege – twierdzić, zarzucać
- He is alleged to have committed the crime.
- Ambiguous – dwuznaczny
- The instructions were ambiguous and confusing.
- Analogy – analogia
- The teacher drew an analogy between the human heart and a pump.
- Anomaly – anomalia
- There’s an anomaly in your blood test results.
- Anticipate – przewidywać
- We anticipate that sales will rise next year.
- Apparent – widoczny, oczywisty
- It was apparent that she was not happy with the decision.
- Arbitrary – arbitralny
- The decision seemed arbitrary and without logic.
- Attribute – przypisywać
- She attributes her success to hard work and dedication.
- Authentic – autentyczny
- The painting was confirmed as an authentic piece by Picasso.
- Autonomous – autonomiczny
- The university is an autonomous institution.
- Bizarre – dziwaczny
- His behavior was really bizarre.
- Candid – szczery
- She gave a candid interview about her experiences.
- Capacity – zdolność, pojemność
- The stadium has a seating capacity of 50,000.
- Coherent – spójny
- He gave a clear and coherent account of the incident.
- Comprehensive – kompleksowy
- We need a comprehensive plan to address the problem.
- Concede – przyznać
- She conceded that she had been wrong.
- Controversial – kontrowersyjny
- The new law is highly controversial.
- Credible – wiarygodny
- The witness provided a credible account of the events.
- Cynical – cyniczny
- She has a very cynical view of politicians.
- Deficit – deficyt
- The company is facing a large budget deficit.
- Deprive – pozbawić
- The law will deprive us of our most basic rights.
- Detrimental – szkodliwy
- Smoking is detrimental to your health.
- Devise – opracować
- They have devised a new strategy to increase sales.
- Diminish – zmniejszać
- The medicine caused her pain to diminish.
- Discrepancy – rozbieżność
- There is a discrepancy between the two reports.
- Dispel – rozwiać
- The CEO’s statement helped to dispel the rumors.
- Distort – zniekształcić
- The media often distorts the truth.
- Diverse – zróżnicowany
- The city has a very diverse population.
- Divulge – ujawniać
- She refused to divulge any details about the plan.
- Elaborate – złożony, rozbudowany
- He gave an elaborate explanation of the process.
- Elude – umknąć
- The suspect managed to elude the police.
- Emulate – naśladować
- She tried to emulate her mother’s success.
- Enhance – ulepszać
- The new software will enhance the performance of the computer.
- Enigma – zagadka
- Her motives remain an enigma.
- Ephemeral – krótkotrwały
- The beauty of the sunset was ephemeral.
- Equivocal – dwuznaczny
- His response was equivocal and left us confused.
- Exemplary – wzorowy
- She received an award for her exemplary performance.
- Exonerate – uniewinnić
- The evidence will exonerate him from all charges.
- Exquisite – wyśmienity
- She wore an exquisite dress to the gala.
- Facilitate – ułatwiać
- The new ramp will facilitate access for disabled people.
- Feasible – wykonalny
- The plan is feasible and can be implemented within a year.
- Fluctuate – wahać się
- The stock market prices fluctuate daily.
- Formidable – budzący respekt
- He has a formidable reputation as a tough negotiator.
- Frivolous – lekkomyślny
- She was criticized for her frivolous spending habits.
- Futile – daremny
- Their efforts to save the company were futile.
- Garrulous – gadatliwy
- The garrulous old man told stories for hours.
- Gregarious – towarzyski
- He is a gregarious person who enjoys meeting new people.
- Haphazard – przypadkowy
- The books were piled on the shelf in a haphazard manner.
- Hypothetical – hipotetyczny
- This is just a hypothetical scenario and may never happen.
- Idiosyncrasy – specyfika, dziwactwo
- One of his idiosyncrasies is to drink coffee with a straw.
- Illicit – nielegalny
- He was arrested for his involvement in illicit activities.
- Imminent – nadciągający
- They were in imminent danger of being swept away by the flood.
- Impartial – bezstronny
- The judge must remain impartial during the trial.
- Implement – wdrożyć
- The new policy will be implemented next year.
- Implicit – domyślny
- There was an implicit agreement between them.
- Incentive – zachęta
- The company offers financial incentives to its employees.
- Incisive – przenikliwy
- Her incisive comments cut through the confusion.
- Incongruous – niespójny
- His actions were incongruous with his stated beliefs.
- Indigenous – rdzenny
- The indigenous people of the area have a rich culture.
- Indispensable – niezbędny
- Computers have become an indispensable part of our lives.
- Inept – nieudolny
- His inept handling of the situation caused many problems.
- Inherent – nieodłączny
- There are inherent risks in any adventure sport.
- Innate – wrodzony
- She has an innate ability to connect with people.
- Innocuous – nieszkodliwy
- Most domestic spiders are innocuous.
- Insatiable – nienasycony
- He has an insatiable appetite for learning.
- Integral – integralny
- Music is an integral part of the school’s curriculum.
- Integrity – integralność
- She is known for her integrity and honesty.
- Intrepid – nieustraszony
- The intrepid explorers set out on a dangerous journey.
- Intricate – zawiły
- The design is intricate and beautiful.
- Invoke – przywołać
- He invoked the ancient gods in his prayers.
- Irate – wściekły
- She received an irate phone call from her boss.
- Irrelevant – nieistotny
- His comments were irrelevant to the discussion.
- Jeopardize – zagrażać
- The scandal could jeopardize his career.
- Judicious – rozsądny
- The judicious use of resources is essential in a crisis.
- Lament – lamentować
- They lamented the loss of their leader.
- Laudable – godny pochwały
- Her efforts to help the poor are laudable.
- Legacy – dziedzictwo
- He left a lasting legacy to his children.
- Lucrative – dochodowy
- She found a lucrative job in the city.
- Magnanimous – wielkoduszny
- He was magnanimous in victory.
- Malicious – złośliwy
- The report was filled with malicious lies.
- Meager – skąpy
- They lived on a meager income.
- Meticulous – skrupulatny
- She is meticulous in her work.
- Mitigate – łagodzić
- They tried to mitigate the damage caused by the flood.
- Modest – skromny
- He was modest about his achievements.
- Mundane – przyziemny
- The show was about the mundane details of daily life.
- Negligible – znikomy
- The difference in performance was negligible.
- Notorious – notoryczny
- He is a notorious liar.
- Oblivious – nieświadomy
- He walked into the room, oblivious to the fact that he was late.
- Obsolete – przestarzały
- The old computer system is now obsolete.
- Obstinate – uparty
- He can be very obstinate when he wants to be.
- Ominous – złowieszczy
- The dark clouds looked ominous.
- Omnipotent – wszechmocny
- They believed their leader was omnipotent.
- Ostentatious – ostentacyjny
- She wore an ostentatious dress to the party.
- Overwhelm – przytłaczać
- The sheer amount of work overwhelmed him.
- Paradox – paradoks
- It’s a paradox that computers need maintenance while they are meant to simplify our work.
- Perceive – postrzegać – She perceived a change in his attitude.
Znajomość zaawansowanego słownictwa jest kluczowa dla osiągnięcia poziomu C1 w języku angielskim. Te 100 słówek pomoże Ci wzbogacić Twoje umiejętności językowe, umożliwiając bardziej precyzyjne i złożone wyrażanie myśli. Regularne ćwiczenie i używanie tych słów w różnych kontekstach przyczyni się do zwiększenia Twojej płynności i pewności siebie w posługiwaniu się językiem angielskim na poziomie zaawansowanym.